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Euston Street Primary School, Belfast

News - Year 5

2022/2023 School Year

11th Jan 2023
Year 5 were using their knowledge of area to calculate the area of their names. We...
21st Nov 2022
On Friday we all met in the playground and classes were buddied up. We wore wristbands...
8th Nov 2022
Check out our whacky hair styles in Year 5! All to raise money and also having fun!
8th Nov 2022
As part of Year 5’s topic on “Australia”, we studied some Aboriginal...
19th Oct 2022
We had a great morning creating our own city, designing our own buildings and deciding...
19th Oct 2022
Before we made our own bar charts in Numeracy, we made a class bar chart showing...

2021/2022 School Year

7th Jun 2022
We had a great Sports Day at Cregagh Sports Club! We ran sprint races, completed...
7th Jun 2022
We had so much fun celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee last week! We got creative...
7th Mar 2022
Year 5 carried out an investigation as part of our new topic "Water". We tested...
7th Mar 2022
We enjoyed completing various activities to celebrate World Book Day together. We...