Year 1
Welcome to Year 1! Our teachers are Mrs Gillespie and Miss McCullough.
In Year One we aim to nurture independent and happy lifelong learners! We create a positive classroom ethos which encourages the children to 'have a go' in a supportive atmosphere.
Our topics are;
September/October- Growing and Changing (Ourselves)
November/December- Fairytales
January/February- Polar Lands
March/April- Life on the Farm
May/June- Mini-beasts
For more information on Year 1 please read the school prospectus or contact the school.
Y1 Curriculum Overview
Bug Club
Later in the year everyone in Year 1 will be in the Bug Club.
When the time comes, remember to get logged in and push yourself to engage with your reading as much as you possibly can.
Remember our school code in 7wt7
Mrs Gillespie Jan/Feb
Mrs Gillespie Nov/Dec
Mrs Gillespie Sept/Oct
Parent Information From Mr Armstrong
Nov/Dec Miss Gillespie
Miss McCullough Sept/Oct
Latest Photographs
Euston Street Primary School, Euston St, Belfast BT6 9AG | Phone: 028 9045 7089