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Euston Street Primary School, Belfast

News - Year 2

21st Jun 2024
We had lots of fun on pirate fun day. We did a scavenger hunt around the school,...
11th Jun 2024
We had brilliant day during International Play Day today. Here are a few photos to...
24th May 2024
At Sports day we enjoyed the egg and spoon race and an obstacle race. It was great...
24th May 2024
We had a fantastic day, building sandcastles and playing on the beach. Everyone loves...
21st Feb 2024
We had great fun today building dens and experimenting with natural materials. 
22nd Jan 2024
We had a brilliant morning today with Nanny Thompson. We learnt about how children...
13th Nov 2023
Today we are focusing a being kind and anti bullying week. We are wearing odd socks...
9th Nov 2023
We had great fun exploring and learning lots outdoors. We went on a cvc word hunt,...
23rd Oct 2023
Here is a little taster of some of the activities we have been getting up to in October!