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Euston Street Primary School, Belfast

Admissions to Euston Street Primary School & Nursery Unit

Wondering how to apply for admission to Euston Street Primary School and Nursery Unit?

If your child is 3 or 4 years old and requires a Nursery School place; or is aged 4 to 5 years old and requires a school place for September 2025, it is not too late to apply to Euston Street PS.

We are an International School catering for children of all different race, religion and culture and we will welcome you with open arms into our school.

Click READ MORE and follow the links for all your admissions FAQ's


Admissions criteria for all pre-schools and primary schools will be published on the EA website from 5th December 2024.   Parents will be able to access information on the application process from that date via the ‘admissions’ section of the EA website.   Keep checking back for more info.


Welcome to ESPS


Our Vision & Values

Dear Parents / Guardians

A very warm welcome to Euston Street Primary School and Nursery Unit, one of Belfast's oldest and best loved schools!


Our mission - 'Working together for excellence in: our learning, our school, our community and our future'.

Our Vision - 'To create a safe, happy learning community where together we inspire and equip our pupils so that they fulfil their potential, use their talents and follow their dreams now and always'.

Our website contains lots of information about the school and how we aim to provide the very best that education has to offer your child.

I am sure that many of you and many of our pupils will be anxious about school restart. I want to try and reassure you that we are taking every precaution necessary and following all advice and guidance carefully.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact school by phone or email.

Please remember to help your school, your child and your wider community, by not sending your child to school if they are unwell or if anyone in your house is being tested or has tested positive. Please inform the school immediately if anyone in the home takes unwell with Covid-19 symptoms.

We are a truly innovative school community aiming to provide an environment that: is international; promotes meaningful pupil leadership; encourages opportunities in using new ICT; builds dynamic teaching and learning; and one that greatly values all of its members.

Please enjoy reading and watching and if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us at school.

We look forward to meeting you.

John Armstrong


School Prospectus

Parent Information from Mr Armstrong


Around the World Welcome

Here at Euston Street we value inclusion and diversity. We have children from a range of different nationalities and have 25 different languages spoken within our school. We believe that it is important to share and learn about different languages and cultures. 

We aim to be inclusive and supportive. We have translated information which can be found on our "Around the World Welcome" tab. Here you can find key information as well as a list of classes to support learning English. 

Please let us know if there is something that you feel could support you further by being translated. 



Latest News

12th Dec 2024
We had a great time travelling to Dundonald Cinema today to see ‘Moana 2’.πŸ˜„πŸŒΊπŸŒŠ
10th Dec 2024
We love to get into the Christmas spirit with fun and cheesy jumpers.
10th Dec 2024
We sang Christmas songs, dressed in Santa Hats, fun headbands and Christmas Jumpers...
6th Dec 2024
We enjoyed our Christmas dinner on Thursday and our Santa walk today!πŸ˜„πŸŽ…πŸ»
4th Dec 2024
We are so proud of all the boys and girls today - they took part in their first...

Numeracy Passport

Click here to view our full Numeracy Passport document. Thank you! 


Eduspot Schoolmoney

Eduspot Schoolmoney is an online payment method that can be accessed on any smartphone or computer. 

Other schools in the area and across NI are now using these systems, so let's keep up and make your life easier. 

Please visit the Schoolmoney section of our website to learn more. 


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