Access Keys:

Euston Street Primary School, Belfast

Julie Magowan Counselling Services


Who is Julie?

We are very lucky to have Julie Magowan providing counselling services here at ESPS! Our counselling service is available to any pupil and really adds to the pastoral support we offer here in the school.

Full referrals for counselling are available for all children in P1 to P7. Reasons for referral include, bereavement, family separation, friendship issues or emotional regulation. Julie will meet with parents/carers to discuss a referral before working with the child.

A ‘drop-in guidance service’ will be available in school as part our school counselling service. Drop-in is open to all children in Years 5 to 7 who would like support for ‘everyday worries’. Your child can make an appointment using the ‘golden coins’ from their classroom.

If you have any questions or would like more information about counselling services, please speak to your child’s class teacher or Mrs McBride.



We took part in lots of activities this week for Children’s Mental Health...
Julie came to tell us all about her new workshop TAKE A BEAT!  We are learning...