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Euston Street Primary School, Belfast

Year 4TK trip to the war museum

7th Nov 2022

Today Year 4 pupils visited the war museum in the city centre.  We have been learning about WW2 in class.  The children got the opportunity to handle a variety of real WW2 objects, such as, an air wardens helmet, a nurses helmet, a shell of a real bomb dropped during the Belfast Blitz and a gas mask.  They also had the chance to dress up as a paramedic, pilot, soldier or doctor during WW2.  We learnt lots of new facts about evacuees from Belfast and we got to have a look in one of their suitcases.  We also discussed rationing and why people had to ration food during the war.  We also found out about James Magennis who was a soldier from Dundonald who won the Victoria Cross Medal.  The children enjoyed hunting for facts around the museum with their clipboard quiz and they loved listening to the air raid siren.  What a fantastic way to end our WW2 topic!