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Euston Street Primary School, Belfast

Outdoor Learning Day

4th Nov 2021

We had so much fun taking our learning outside for a whole day. All of our activities were based around our story 'The Princess and the Wizard' or our sound of the week 'p'. We found lots of things that started with 'p', had a go at writing it with our pens or chalk, made 'p' out of natural materials and even hammered golf tees into a pumpkin. For Numeracy, we sorted objects into the correct colours, added candles to the 'cake', matched objects to the numeral and had a go at writing our numbers to 7!

Play time was lots of fun too! We dressed up, made glitter wands and leaf crowns/ wizard hats. We got to do leaf printing with paint and even played musical statues. We think everyone's favourite part of the day was making our magic potions!